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Dr. Konstantinos Kakosimos

Dr. Konstantinos Kakosimos

Interim Program Chair, Chemical Engineering, and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies

Office Number: 219R
Office Phone: +974.4423.0678

Dr. Konstantinos Kakosimos is the associate dean for research and graduate studies, interim chair of the Chemical Engineering Program and professor of chemical engineering. A graduate of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Dr. Kakosimos has over 70 publications and five books to his name while supporting young scholars in their pursuits. Dr. Kakosimos provides his students with opportunities to engage in meaningful projects and interdisciplinary collaborations, equipping them with practical experience and valuable skills. Emphasizing mentorship, he helps shape the future of chemical engineering by nurturing the next generation of professionals.

He is responsible for the mentorship program for graduate students to ensure that Ph.D. Fellows, Research Impact Scholars and Ph.D. students funded through other initiatives will be competitive for faculty appointments at peer institutions or better, or able to secure prestigious research positions in industry. Kakosimos is also will be responsible for implementing new master’s programs in engineering as they are approved. He will lead the development of strategies for recruiting students for the various opportunities for graduate studies at TAMUQ.

His research encompasses the physical and numerical modeling of transport and reacting phenomena, delving into areas such as environmental sustainability, air quality, process safety, and solar-driven chemical and catalytic processes. With over $6M in funding, Dr. Kakosimos has made significant contributions to his field and earned multiple awards, including the 2016 Research Laboratory Safety, 2017 Research Excellence for Early Career Faculty, 2019 Faculty Excellence Awards, and the 2023 Dean's Achievement Award at Texas A&M, as well as the 2015 Hutchison Medal from IChemE.

In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Kakosimos actively contributes to local and international communities. His involvement includes serving as secretary of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Arabian Gulf Branch (2014-15), Chair of the Principle Investigators Council at Texas A&M Qatar (2017-2018, 2022-2023), Chair of the Qatar National Air Quality Standards subcommittee of the Ministry of Municipalities and Environment (2018), consultant to the World Bank and various industries, task force member at the Ministry of Public Health (2018-2020), and senior AIChE member since 2017.



Dipl. Of Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineering Dept. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, grade 8.7/10 (among 3% of Department’s all times best)


Doctorate on Chemical Engineering, thesis subject “Simulation of the dispersion of toxic gases in residential areas”, Chemical Engineering Dept. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.



Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Program, Texas A&M University at Qatar


Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Program, Texas A&M University at Qatar


Consultant and Design Engineer – Project Manager (HYETOS GP, Greece)


Research Assistant/Associate (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)


Charted Chemical Engineer (Greece)


Software developer (in research projects)



First Place in the 3D Visualization Competition, Texas A&M University at Qatar


Supervised students received the CHEN-TAMUQ Research (G.Al-Haddad), CHEN-TAMUQ Good Citizen (S.Shehab) and MSc CHEN research (M.Nasser) awards


Research Excellence Award for Early Career Faculty, Texas A&M University at Qatar


Research Laboratory Safety Award, Texas A&M University at Qatar


Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station Genesis Award (Team Leader Dr. N. Elbashir)


Best Paper awarded to A. Kalyva (supervised PhD student), International Conference on Hydrogen Production, Hangzhou, China


Hutchison Medal, IChemE, UK


Richard Ewing Award to K. Abdulaziz (supervised student) for her research performance


Best paper award, Engineering Leaders Conference, Doha, Qatar


Winning Project in the 1st Teaching Innovation with Technology Competition, TAMUQ


2 Short Term Scientific Missions, COST Action ES0602


PostDoc Honorable distinction by the Research Committee of Aristotle University


PhD Honorable distinction by the Research Committee of Aristotle University


Marie Curie Assistantship- Training Course EUA4X as young Researcher


Honorable distinction by the Technical Chamber of Greece (1st in the Department)


Honorable distinction by the National Foundation of Scholarships



Taskforce member for the implementation of the National Health Strategy, Ministry of Public Health Qatar


Chair of the subcommittee on the revision of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Ministry of Municipalities & Environment Qatar


Graduate Program Committee, CHEN-TAMUQ


Principal Investigators Council (Chair 2016/2017), CHEN-TAMUQ


Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry- Arabian Gulf Branch, Secretary


Chair of the Publicity, Outreach and Communication committee of CHEN-TAMUQ


Vice Chairman of the Administration Board of the Hellenic Association of Chemical Engineers, Department of Central- and West-Northern Greece


(with ► are marked works lead by supervised undergraduate and graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers, in bold their names.)


  • M.J. Assael, K.E. Kakosimos, "Mass Transfer in Envinronmental Processess", Ed. Tziolas 2013 (in Greek)
  • M.J. Assael, K.E. Kakosimos, "Fires, Explosions, and Toxic Gas Dispersions: Effects Calculation and Risk Analysis", 1st ed., CRC Press, 2010.
  • M.J. Assael and K.E. Kakosimos “Risk Assessment: A Handbook on the Calculation of Fires, Explosions and Toxic Gas Dispersions”, Ed. Tziolas 2007 (in Greek).
  • Hassan H., Abraham M., Kumar P. and Kakosimos K.E., "Sources and emissions of fugitive particulate matter" in Airborne Particles: Origin, Emissions and Health Impacts, edited by P. Kumar (NOVA, 2017), ISBN: 9781536109887.

Journal Papers
(underlined the Corresponding Author)


► Chatzimichailidis A.E., Argyropoulos C.D., Assael M.J. and Kakosimos K.E., "Qualitative and quantitative investigation of multiple large eddy simulation aspects for pollutant dispersion in street canyons using OpenFOAM", Atmosphere 10: (2019). doi: 10.3390/atmos10010017   [IF: 1.7]


►Khan J., Kakosimos K.E., Raaschou-Nielsen O., Brandt J., Jensen S.S., Ellermann T. and Ketzel M., "Development and performance evaluation of new AirGIS – A GIS based air pollution and human exposure modelling system", Atmospheric Environment  (2018). doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.10.036       [IF: 3.7]


Isaifan R.J., Johnson D., Mansour S., Samara A., Suwaileh W. and Kakosimos K., "Theoretical and Experimental Characterization of Efficient Anti-Dust Coatings under Desert Conditions", Journal of Thin Films Research 2:25-29 (2018). doi: 10.30799/jtfr.013.18020101         [IF: -]


Kontos S., Liora N., Giannaros C., Kakosimos K., Poupkou A. and Melas D., "Modeling natural dust emissions in the central Middle East: Parameterizations and sensitivity", Atmospheric Environment 190:294-307 (2018). doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.07.033            [IF: 3.7]


Efthimiou G.C., Kovalets I.V., Argyropoulos C.D., Venetsanos A., Andronopoulos S. and Kakosimos K.E., "Evaluation of an inverse modelling methodology for the prediction of a stationary point pollutant source in complex urban environments", Building and Environment 143:107-119 (2018). doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.07.003        [IF: 4.54]


►Khan J., Ketzel M., Kakosimos K.E., Sørensen M. and Jensen S.S., "Road traffic air and noise pollution exposure assessment – A review of tools and techniques", Science of the Total Environment 634:661-676 (2018). doi: 0.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.374.   [IF: 4.9]


Kovalets I.V., Efthimiou G.C., Andronopoulos S., Venetsanos A.G., Argyropoulos C.D. and Kakosimos K.E., "Inverse identification of unknown finite-duration air pollutant release from a point source in urban environment", Atmospheric Environment 181:82-96 (2018). doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.03.028     [IF: 3.63]


Argyropoulos C.D., ►Elkhalifa S., Fthenou E., Efthimiou G.C., Kovalets I.V., Venetsanos A., Andronopoulos S. and Kakosimos K., "Source reconstruction of airborne toxics based on acute health effects information", Nature Scientific Reports (2018). doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-23767-8      [IF: 4.63]


Sarwar J., ►Shrouf T., Srinivasa A., Gao H., Radovic M. and Kakosimos K., "Characterization of thermal performance, flux transmission performance and optical properties of MAX phase materials under concentrated solar irradiation", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 182:76-91 (2018). doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2018.03.018        [IF: 4.78]


►Shazed A.R., ►Kalyva A.E., Vagia E.C., Srinivasa A.R., Traissi A., Muradov N. and Kakosimos K.E., Chemical plant analysis of hydrogen production based on the hybrid sulfur-ammonia water splitting cycle, in "Chemical Engineering Transactions" (2017) p. 433-438.


Efthimiou G.C., Kovalets I.V., Venetsanos A., Andronopoulos S., Argyropoulos C.D. and Kakosimos K., "An optimized inverse modelling method for determining the location and strength of a point source releasing airborne material in urban environment", Atmospheric Environment 170:118-129 (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.09.034       [IF:3.46]


Argyropoulos C.D., ►Ashraf A.M., Markatos N.C. and Kakosimos K.E., "Mathematical modelling and computer simulation of toxic gas building infiltration", Process Safety and Environmental Protection 111:687-700 (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.psep.2017.08.038            [2.91]


Vagia E.C., Muradov N., ►Kalyva A., T-Raissi A., Qin N., Srinivasa A.R. and Kakosimos K.E., "Solar hybrid photo-thermochemical sulfur-ammonia water-splitting cycle: Photocatalytic hydrogen production stage", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42:20608-20624 (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.06.210 [IF:3.21]


Gopalaswami N., Kakosimos K.E., Zhang B., Liu Y., Mentzer R., Mannan M.S. Experimental and Numerical Study of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Pool Spreading and Vaporization on Water. Journal of Hazardous Material (2017) [I supervised the numerical work, thus being 2nd author].            [IF:4.53]


Saraga D., Maggos T., Sadoun E., Fthenou E., Hassan H., Tsiouri V., Karavoltsos S., Sakellari A., Vasilakos C. and Kakosimos K.E., "Chemical Characterization of indoor and outdoor Particulate Matter (PM2.5, PM10) in Doha, Qatar", Aerosol and Air Quality Research (Accepted).[my group coordinated the field campaign measurements and data in-terpretation]. [IF:3.29]


Kalyva A.E., Vagia E.C., Konstandopoulos A.G., Srinivasa A.R., T-Raissi A., Muradov N. and Kakosimos K.E., "Hybrid photo-thermal sulfur-ammonia water splitting cycle: Thermodynamic analysis of the thermochemical steps", Interna-tional Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.01.104 [IF:3.21]


Kalyva A.E., Vagia E.C., Konstandopoulos A.G., Srinivasa A.R., T-Raissi A., Muradov N. and Kakosimos K.E., "Particle model investigation for the thermochemical steps of the sulfur–ammonia water splitting cycle", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.09.003. [IF:3.21]


Ottosen T.-B., Ketzel M., Skov H., Hertel O., Brandt J. and Kakosimos K.E., "A parameter estimation and identifiability analysis methodology applied to a street canyon air pollution model", Environmental Modelling & Software 84:165-176 (2016). doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.06.022 [IF:4.21]


Hassan H.A., Kumar P. and Kakosimos K.E., "Flux estimation of fugitive particulate matter emissions from loose Calcisols at construction sites", Atmospheric Environment 141:96-105 (2016). doi: 10.1016/ [IF:3.46]


Farmaki M., Kyriafini T., Assael M. and Kakosimos K.E., "Simulated and measured performance investigation of a bioclimatic summer residence in Greece", Fresenius Environment bulletin (2016). [IF:-]


Liora N., Poupkou A., Giannaros T.M., Kakosimos K.E., Stein O. and Melas D., "Impacts of natural emission sources on particle pollution levels in Europe", Atmospheric Environment 137:171-185 (2016). doi: 10.1016/ [IF:3.46]


Bhosale R., Kumar A., AlMomani F., Ghosh U., Saad Anis M., Kakosimos K., Shende R. and Rosen M., "Solar Hydrogen Production via a Samarium Oxide-Based Thermochemical Water Splitting Cycle", Energies 9:316 (2016). [supported the thermodynamic calculations] [IF:2.08]


Kalyva A.E., Vagia E.C., Konstandopoulos A.G., Srinivasa A.R., T-Raissi A., Muradov N. and Kakosimos K.E., Investi-gation of the solar hybrid photo-thermochemical sulfur-ammonia water splitting cycle for hydrogen production, in "Chemical Engineering Transactions" (2015) p. 361-366. [IF:-]


Kakosimos K.E., A conceptual approach on downwind optimization of processes for air pollution control, in "Chemical Engineering Transactions" (2015) p. 913-918. [IF:-]


Kakosimos K.E., "Example of a micro-adaptive instruction methodology for the improvement of flipped-classrooms and adaptive-learning based on advanced blended-learning tools", Education for Chemical Engineers 12:1-11 (2015). doi: 10.1016/j.ece.2015.06.001 [IF:New]


Sarwar J., Srinivasa A. and Kakosimos K.E., "Numerical investigations of the aperture size effect for maintaining a constant temperature in a novel sulfur-ammonia water splitting cycle application", Thermal Science (2015). doi: 10.2298/TSCI141220075S [IF:1.22]


Gopalaswami N., Kakosimos K., Vèchot L., Olewski T. and Mannan M.S., "Analysis of meteorological parameters for dense gas dispersion using mesoscale models", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 35:145-156 (2015). doi: 10.1016/j.jlp.2015.04.009 [I supervised this work while the student was in Qatar] [IF:1.41]


Ottosen T.B.Kakosimos K.E., Johansson C., Hertel O., Brandt J., Skov H., Berkowicz R., Ellermann T., Jensen S.S. and Ketzel M., "Analysis of the impact of inhomogeneous emissions in the Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM)", Geosci. Model Dev. 8:3231-3245 (2015). doi: 10.5194/gmd-8-3231-2015 [IF:3.65]


Ottosen T.-B., Ketzel M., Skov H., Hertel O., Brandt J. and Kakosimos K.E., "Analysis of the Impact of Inhomogeneous Emissions in a Semi-Parameterized Street Canyon Model", Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 8:1-43 (2015). doi: 10.5194/gmdd-8-1-2015


Sarwar J., Georgakis G., Kouloulias K. and Kakosimos K.E., "Experimental and numerical investigation of aperture size effect on the efficient solar energy harvesting for solar thermochemical applications", Energy Conversion and Man-agement 92:331-341 (2015). doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2014.12.065 [IF:4.38]


Tsiouri V.Kakosimos K.E. and Kumar P., "Concentrations, sources and exposure risks associated with particulate mat-ter in the Middle East Area - a review", Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health (2014). doi: 10.1007/s11869-014-0277-4 [IF:1.80]


Chatzimichailidis A.E.Kakosimos K.E. and Assael M.J., “Use of dispersion modelling for the assessment of primary particulate matter sources on the air quality of Greater Thessaloniki Area”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (2014). [IF:0.53]


Kakosimos K.E., Assael M.J., “Application of Detached Eddy Simulation to Neighbourhood Scale Gases Dispersion Mod-elling, Journal of Hazardous Materials (2013) doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2013.08.018. [IF:4.53]


Kakosimos K.E., Assael M.J., Lioumbas J.S. and Spiridis A.S., "Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling of Particulate Matter from Overburden Dumps: The Case of Amyndaion's Mines", Atmospheric Pollution Research 2:24-33 (2011) doi: 10.5094/APR.2011.004. [IF:1.37]


Assael M.J., Kakosimos K.E. and Katsarou A.S., "Application and evaluation of AERMOD on the assessment of particu-late matter pollution caused by industrial activities in the Greater Thessaloniki Area", Environmental Technology 32(5-6): 593-608 (2011) DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2010.506491. [IF:1.56]


Kakosimos Κ.Ε., Hertel Ο., Ketzel Μ. and Berkowicz Ρ., "Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) a review of per-formed validation studies", Environmental Chemistry 7:485-503 (2010) doi:10.1071/EN10070. [IF:2.51]


Assael M.J. and Kakosimos K.E., “Can a course on the calculation of the effects of fires, explosions and toxic gas dis-persions, be topical, enjoyable and meaningful?”, IChemE Education for Chemical Engineers (2010), DOI: 10.1016/j.ece.2010.05.001. [IF:New]


Kakosimos K.E. and Mihailidi E., "European Workshop on Teaching Safety in Chemical Engineering", Chemical Engineering Research and Design 88:iii-v (2010).


Assael M.J., Melas D. and Kakosimos K.E., "Monitoring Particulate Matter Concentrations with Passive Samplers. Ap-plication to the Greater Thessaloniki Area", Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 1-14 (2010), DOI 10.1007/s11270-009-D308-1. [IF:1.55]


Assael M.J., Kakosimos K.E., Antoniadis K.D. and Assael J-A.M, “Applying Thermal Comfort Indices to Investigate As-pects of the Climate Change in Greece”, Int. Rev. Chem. Eng. (I.RE.CH.E.) 2:204-209 (2010). [IF:-]


Assael M.J., Kalyva A.E., Kakosimos K.E. and Antoniadis K.D., "Correlation and Prediction of Dense Fluid Transport Coefficients. VIII. Mixtures of Alkyl Benzenes with Other Hydrocarbons", International Journal of Thermophysics 30:1733-1747 (2009). [IF:0.96]


Kakosimos K.E. and Assael M.J., " A New 3D-Mesh Generator Based on Geometry Decomposition for Use in Urban-Terrain Simulations ", Computers and Structures 87:28-38 (2009). [IF:2.13]


Assael M.J., Delaki M. and Kakosimos K.E., "Applying the OSPM model to the calculation of PM10 concentration levels in the historical centre of the city of Thessaloniki", Atmospheric Environment 42:65-77 (2008). [IF:3.46]


Assael M.J., Antoniadis K.D., Kakosimos K.E. and Metaxa I.N., "An improved application of the transient hot-wire tech-nique for the absolute accurate measurement of the thermal conductivity of pyroceram 9606 up to 420 K", Interna-tional Journal of Thermophysics 29:445-456 (2008). [IF:0.96]


Assael M.J., Delaki M. and Kakosimos K., "Local scale vehicles pollution study in the absence of sufficient data: The case of the city of Thessaloniki", WIT Transactions on Ecology & the Environment 101:137-146 (2007). [IF:-]


Assael M.J., Metaxa I.N., Kakosimos K. and Κonstantinou D., "Thermal conductivity of nanofluids - Experimental and theoretical", International Journal of Thermophysics 27:997-1017 (2006). [IF:0.96]


Assael M.J., Kakosimos K., Banish R.M., Brillo J., Egry I., Brooks R., Quested P.N., Mills K.C., Nagashima A., Sato Y. and Wakeham W.A., "Reference data for the density and viscosity of liquid aluminum and liquid iron", Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 35:285-300 (2006). [IF:2.8]


Assael M.J. and Kakosimos K., "Finite Element Simulation of Toxic Gases Dispersion in Urban Terrain: Preliminary Re-sults", WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 82:379-387 (2005). [IF:-]


Assael M.I., Botsios S., Chamizidis E., Gialou K., Gkontosidou E. and Kakosimos K., "Optimizing the perforation pattern of Greek bricks", Brick and Tile Industry International 32-36 (2005). [IF:-]


Assael M.J., Gialou K., Kakosimos K. and Metaxa I., "Thermal conductivity of reference solid materials", International Journal of Thermophysics 25:397-408 (2004). [IF:0.96]