ENGR[x] — The X factor
Wondering how to get credit for ENGR[x]?
ENGR[x] is a zero-credit-hour requirement for graduation beginning with the Class of 2022 (students who started their studies in Fall 2018 or later.) In order to complete the program requirement, students must participate in an approved engineering-centric activity that meets the criteria of a high-impact learning experience and follow this activity with meaningful self-reflection.
To understand how to obtain the ENGR[x] credit, please go here to see what activities qualify you to receive theENGR[x] credit.
According the above-mentioned website, if you have completed one of these activities: Internship (ENGR/ECEN 484-minimum 6 weeks), Research (ECEN 491-minimum one semester) or Study Abroad (ENGR 302), then you will automatically receive credit forENGR[x]X and you do not need to register for ECEN 399. In order to receive automatically the credit forENGR[x], you have to make sure that you have registered and received the required credit for the completed activity as an ENGR/ECEN 484, ECEN 491 or ENGR 302 class in your academic transcript. If you have conducted an internship activity or a research activity and for which you have not received the academic credit as an ENGR/ECEN 484 or ECEN 491 class in your transcript, then you have to register for ECEN 399 in order to receive the credit forENGR[x].
The internship activity can be performed in a governmental agency or laboratory, private company, university, organization or research institution. Please note that the internship represents a professional learning experience that should offer meaningful, practical work related to student’s field of study or future career. In general, the internship offers students the possibility to explore opportunities for career development and to learn new skills. In order to register the internship activity for ECEN 399, besides the ECEN 399 class registration form, please provide the following two forms signed by the internship supervisor:
Please note that besides the above-mentioned activities — internship, research and study abroad —the following activities also qualify for ENGR[x] provided that you register for ECEN 399.
- Active elected leadership in the following two student organization: Student Government Association (SGA, President and Vice President) and Student Engineers' Council (SEC, President and Vice President)
- Student Engineering Enrichment Programs (under CTL) for at least 40 hours over multiple semesters
- Student Leadership Exchange Program (SLEP)
- Aggie Service Learning Experience (ASLE)
- Competitions (e.g., Chem-E Car, Shell Eco-Marathon, Formula SAE)
- Humanitarian Engineering Workshop
- Approved semester-long course at other education city partner university
- Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Exchange Program
In order to register for ECEN 399, you need to email the instructor of ECEN 399 two documents:
- an attestation certificate signed by the supervisor of your internship, research, Student Engineering Enrichment Program (CTL supervisor), SLEP, ASLE, or REU activity, etc., and that describes the duration of the completed activity (start day and end day of conducted activity), number of hours dedicated each day for the proposed activity, and a short description of the conducted activity (what you effectively did);
- the ECEN 399 class registration form located here.
Please fill in only the first page information of the ECEN 399 class registration form.
Once that ECEN 399 instructor receives these documents, the instructor will sign the ECEN 399 class registration form only if the proposed activity is completed (therefore, the attestation certificate is needed) and satisfies the requirements described above (the duration of internship should be minimum 6 weeks; the research activity should be conducted at least for the duration of one semester: 3 months; the Student Engineering Enrichment Activity assumes at least 40 hours, etc.). The signed ECEN 399 class registration form together with the attestation certificate will then be sent to Ms. Amanda Mather from the Academic Services Office to register you for ECEN 399.
Once you are registered for ECEN 399, there is only one assignment that you need to complete for ECEN 399. You need to write a minimum 2-page self-reflection essay to summarize the impact that your chosen activity had on you and your education. You need to prepare a summary description of the high-impact experience and discussion of how the experience impacted you and your education. You should answer the following questions in your essay:
- What did you learn beyond your technical education from this experience?
- What skill(s) you gained from this experience?
- How will you apply what you learned about yourself during your high impact experience to your career and professional life?
- What recommendations can you make to future students about how to maximize the value of their high impact experience?
This assignment is not due at the time of registration for ECEN 399, and it can be turned one month later.