Dr. Khalid Qaraqe
Adjunct Professor
Office Number: 246M
Office Phone: +974.4423.0215
Dr. Khalid Qaraqe joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Program at Texas A&M University at Qatar in July 2004, where he is now an adjunct professor.
Dr. Qaraqe has been awarded more than 20 research projects consisting of more than USD 12M from local industries in Qatar and the Qatar National Research Foundation (QNRF). He has published more than 120 journal papers in top IEEE journals, and published and presented over 230 papers at prestigious international conferences. He has 13 book chapters published, four books, four patents, and presented several tutorials and talks.
Research interests cover the following areas:
- Communication theory and its application to the design and performance analysis of cellular and indoor communication systems
- Particular research interests are in mobile networks, broadband wireless access, cooperative networks, cognitive radio, diversity techniques, beyond 5G systems, tele health and noninvasive bio sensors.
Dr. Qaraqe also heads the Wireless Cognitive Artificial Intelligence (WCAI) lab and Remote Healthcare Technology. Visit its website for more information on its research outputs.
- Doctor of Philosophy, Texas A&M University, 1997
- Master of Science, University of Jordan, 1989
- Bachelor of Science, University of Technology, 1986
A forerunner in the wireless telecommunications field, Dr. Qaraqe has held positions at various cutting-edge telecommunications companies, working on design, product development, testing and integration.
- Professor, Texas A&M University at Qatar, 2004-present
- Lead Performance Eng., Qualcomm, San Diego, CA, USA, 2002-2004
- Consulting, Enad Design Systems, College Station, TX, USA, 2001-2002
- Principal and lead Design Eng., Cadence Design Systems/Tality Corporation, San Jose, CA, USA, 1997-2001
- Technical Engineer, Ericsson Telecommunication, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1989-1994
- Murat-Uysal, Mohamed Abdullah, Khalid Qaraqe, Refik-Caglar, Ömer-Narmanlıoğlu ,”Relay Assisted Visible-Light-Communication-System,” Disclosures Nov 2015
- Hassan Mohamed El-Sallabi, and, Khalid Ali Qaraqe “Method and System for Positioning and Tracking of Objects Using Cellular Signals” Disclosures on March 2015.
- Hassan Mohamed El-Sallabi, Mohamed Mahmoud Abdallah, Khalid Ali Qaraqe, Gregory H. Huff, and Jean-Francois Chamberland, “GEO-SECURITY METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR WIDEBAND RADIO,” application number 62237461 ; EFSID: 23697433 Oct 2014.
- Hassan Mohamed El-Sallabi, Mohamed Abdallah, Khalid Ali Qaraqe, Gregory H. Huff, and Jean-Francois Chamberland, Reconfigurable Radio Direction Finder System, US Patent Application Serial No. 14/325,300, July 2014.
- Qasim M Chaudhari, Khalid A Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin, “A Cross Layer Time Synchronization Scheme”, TAMUS # 3685 , in process, Aug. 19, 2012.
- A. Qaraqe and S. Roe, “W-CDMA Channel Estimation /Iterative Multi Slot Averaging Algorithm for 3G W-CDMA,” US Number 6,314,131, March 2001.
- Dr. Khalid Qaraqe (LPI) (ECEN), co-PI’s Dr. Albertus Retnanto (PETE) and Dr. Erchin Serpedin (ECEN), Dr Mohamed Fadlelmula, Dr. Scott Miller, Dr. Ibere Alves ,“Visible Light Communications for Downhole Monitoring Systems in Oil and Gas Industry", 2019-Dec 2020.
- Dr. Khalid Qaraqe (LPI), Mark Lawley, Madhav Erraguntla, Farzan Sasangohar, Ranjana Mehta, "Smart, Secure, Non-invasive Wearable System for Proactive Detection of Hypoglycemic Events", QNRF, NPRP NPRP10-1231-160071, June 2017-June 2020. $ 699,000 USD.
- Sayed Mohamed, Mostafa F. Shaaban, Muhammad Ismail, Erchin Serpedin, Khalid A. Qaraqe,” An Efficient Planning Algorithm for Hybrid Remote Microgrids,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, VOL. 10, NO. 1, PP 257-267, JAN. 2019.
- Lilia Aljihmani, Lejla Alic ,Younes Boudjemline , Ziyad M. Hijazi , Bilal Mansoor, Erchin Serpedin , Khalid Qaraqe, “ Magnesium-Based Bioresorbable Stent Materials: Review of Reviews,” Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion, Springer Nature Switzerland, Jan 2019.
- Boluda-Ruiz, A. Garca-Zambrana, C. Castillo-Vazquez, B. Castillo-Vazquez, and Khalid Qaraqe, "Outage Capacity of Rate-Adaptive Relaying for FSO Links with Nonzero Boresight Pointing Errors," under review in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.
- Anous, T. Ramadan, M. Abdallah, K. Qaraqe and D. Khalil, “Planar asymmetric nano-resonators for highly angle tolerant trans-reflective color filters,” OSA Continuum, under review. Accepted, Jan 2019 .
- A. Qaraqe, M. Mohammad, H. Celebi, A. El-Saigh, "The Impact of Node Distribution on The Transport Capacity of Adhoc Dispersed Spectrum Cognitive Radio Systems", International Conference on Telecommunications (IEEE ICT2010), Doha, Qatar, April 2010.
- M. Chaudhari, E. Serpedin, and K. A. Qaraqe, "On Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Clock Offset and Skew in Wireless Sensor Networks with Exponential Delays", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 5, pp 1685-1697, April 2008.
- A. Qaraqe and S. Roe, "Channel Estimation Algorithms for Third Generation", The IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2001, Rhodes, Greece May 6-9, 2001.
- A. Qaraqe and N. C. Griswold, "Performance Analysis of the coded SFH-SSMA Communication Systems over MUI Channel with Side Information", 49th Annual international Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC 99, Houston, TX, May 1999.
- Q. H. Abbasi, A. Alomainy, M. Ur Rehman, and K.A. Qaraqe, Advances in Body-Centric Wireless Communications: Applications and State-of-the-Art, IET Publication, ISBN: 978-1-84919-989-6 (print), July 2016. (Edited book)
- M. Ismail, M. Shakir, K.A. Qaraqe, and E. Serpedin, Green Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Wiley-IEEE Press, ISBN 978-1-119-08805-9, Oct. 2016. (Authored Book)
- M. Z. Shakir, M. A. Imran, K.A. Qaraqe, and M. S. Alouini, Energy Management in Wireless Cellular and Ad-hoc Networks, Springer,
ISBN: 978-3-319-27566-6, 2016. (Edited book) - Z. Bouida, A. Ghrayeb, and K.A. Qaraqe, Spatial Modulation for Cognitive Radio Systems, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-10: 3659780073, ISBN-13: 978-3659780073, January 2016. (Authored Book)
- Z. Bouida, M. S. Alouini, K.A. Qaraqe, Joint Diversity Combining Adaptive Modulation and Power Control: Performance Analysis, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-10: 3844397477, May, 2011. (Authored Book)