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Photo of robotic 3D printer and group of people standing in front of it

Automation and Controls

Our faculty conduct research in the area of Automation and Controls and develop new control techniques for the oil/gas industry, medical industry and civil defense. The Mechanical Engineering Program at Texas A&M University houses two state-of-the-art research laboratories in the area of Automation and Controls, namely, the Engine Testing Laboratory and the Smart Systems Laboratory. The research groups in these laboratories produce solutions for the scientific community ranging from unmanned autonomous emergency systems to more fuel efficient engine controllers.

Mechanics and Materials

The faculty and researchers in Mechanics and Materials group perform research that combines the fundamentals and applications of materials science, solid mechanics and constitutive modelling to understand and characterize existing materials, develop advanced materials, enhance manufacturing processes and design mechanical and infrastructure systems. The research capabilities include analytical characterization tools, microscopic systems, rapid prototyping, mechanical testing systems, and a wide range of computational analysis packages.

Thermal-Fluid Science

Thermal-Fluid science is a branch of science that deals with thermal energy and fluid flow, and involves a study of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. Thermal-Fluid science examines many phenomena all around us, from the blood flow in our veins to ocean currents and atmospheric turbulence. Engineers frequently use and advance the thermal-fluid technologies to design safe and more efficient energy-related systems. Examples span from heating and ventilation systems to energy and power generation devices for cars, airplanes, oil and gas facilities, and power plants.