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Dr. Harris Rabbani

Dr. Harris Rabbani

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Office Number: 204A
Office Phone: +974 7740 0550

Dr. Rabbani completed M.Eng. (Integrated Master's Degree) in Petroleum Engineering (2014) and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (2018) from The University of Manchester. His research focuses on advancing the fundamental understanding of multiphase flow though porous media. Utilizing computer modeling, imaging/visualization and high performance computing, his research aims to garner key insights into immiscible fluid physics at the pore scale, then scaling up these observations to continuum scales through mathematical formulation for prediction of large-scale Earth science problems in the areas of energy and the environment. Dr. Rabbani efforts in collaboration with various top international research institutes have resulted in high-quality peer-reviewed publications in leading scientific journals. Moreover, Dr. Rabbani has been invited to present key scientific findings of his research in various international and national conferences including InterPore, SPE and EAGE. In addition, he is also serving as a reviewer for top-notch scientific journals.

Research Interests

  • Multiphase Flow
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery
  • Reservoir Simulation
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
  • Interfacial Phenomena
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Soft Materials and Complex Fluids


  • Ph.D., Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, University of Manchester, UK, 2014-2018
    Thesis title “Pore-scale investigation of wettability effects on two-phase flow in porous media” Supervised by Dr. Nima Shokri and Dr. Vahid J Niasar, External Examiner Prof. Sebastian Geiger (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
  • M.Eng (Integrated Masters)., Petroleum Engineering, University of Manchester, UK,  2013-2014
    Thesis title Effect of grain size on bioclogging in porous media” Supervised by Dr. Nima Shokri


  1. S. Rabbani, D. Or, Y. Liu, C.-Y. Lai, N. Lu, S.S. Datta, H.A. Stone, N. Shokri (2018), Suppressing viscous fingering in structured porous media, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA (PNAS), 115(19), 4833-4838.
  2. Rabbani, V. Joekar-Niasar, N. Shokri (2016), Effects of intermediate wettability on entry capillary pressure in angular pores, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 473, 34-43.
  3. S. Rabbani, B. Zhao, R. Juanes, N. Shokri (2018), Pore geometry control of apparent wetting in porous media, Sci. Rep., 8, 15729, London: Nature Publishing Group.
  4. Rabbani, V. Joekar-Niasar, T. Pak, N. Shokri (2017), New insights on the complex dynamics of two-phase flow in porous media under intermediate-wet conditions, Sci. Rep., 7, 4584, London: Nature Publishing Group.
  5. S. Rabbani and T. D. Seers (2019), Inertial effects on capillary pressure at the juncture of converging-diverging capillary, Sci. Rep., London: Nature Publishing Group.
  6. S. Rabbani, T.Seers, D. Guerillot (2019), Analytical Pore-Network Approach (APNA): A Novel Method for Rapid Prediction of Capillary Pressure-Saturation Relationship in Porous Media, Adv Water Resour.
  7. S.Rabbani, Y. Osman, I. Almaghrabi, M. A. Rahman, T.Seers (2019), The Control of Apparent Wettability on the Efficiency of Surfactant Flooding in Tight Carbonate Rocks, Processes. 7, 684.
  8. Bakhshian, H. S. Rabbani, S. A. Hosseini, N. Shokri (2020), Wettability effects on dynamics of two-phase flow in 3D heterogeneous porous media, GRL, 47, 14.

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