Texas A&M at Qatar seniors visit Mesaieed
Published Mar 08, 2010Twenty-one students from Texas A&M at Qatar last week visited Qatar Fertiliser Company (QAFCO) at Mesiaeed Industrial City, the largest single-site producer of ammonia and urea in the world. Students were given the opportunity to explore the plants, identifying various equipment they are learning about in chemical kinetics. For information contact Amanda Field: amanda.field@qatar.tamu.edu.
Aggie cricket club set to square off against Tartans
Published Mar 07, 2010The Aggie cricket club will face-off against the Tartans of Carnegie Mellon University at Qatar. The match will is scheduled for 13 March beginning 1:30 p.m. in the parking lot of Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar. For information contact Dillan Raymond Roshan: d.raymondroshan@qatar.tamu.edu.
Bashir nominated for best paper award by American Political Science Association
Published Mar 01, 2010Dr. Hassan Bashir’s, assistant professor of political science, has been nominated for the best paper award by The American Political Science Association's organized section of foundations on political thought.His paper, "Otherness, Canonicity and Comparative Political Theory," reassesses the rationale and usefulness of a cross-cultural approach towards political theorizing.…
Aggie men's basketball team remains undefeated
Published Feb 25, 2010Claiming another perfect season, the Aggie men's team on 20 Feb. defeated the varsity Dragons of the American School of Doha by a score 57-55.With 31 wins and zero losses, the men's team remains undefeated since November of 2008. "The victory did not come easy," coach Michael Collins said. "The team won on a tough shot with only two seconds remaining…
Texas A&M at Qatar students set for leadership exchange program
Published Feb 23, 2010Texas A&M at Qatar is sending 16 students to College Station next week during the Qatar campus' spring break for the first half of a two-week leadership exchange program.Students from both campuses were selected based on leadership potential and campus involvement. Students will have an opportunity to explore College Station, participate in leadership development workshops…
QWE to host lecture on solar thermal power
Published Feb 23, 2010The Qatar Sustainable Water and Energy Utilization Initiative on 1 March will host Professor Hans Muller-Steinhagen director of the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, German Aerospace Center (DLR), as he discusses the Desertec Project.In October 2009, 12 major companies signed an agreement to initiate the Desertec Project, designed to supply 15 percent of European…
Shukran from Texas A&M at Qatar
Published Feb 22, 2010The Office of Student and Community Relations, in collaboration with Qatar Petroleum, on 22 Feb. recognized 150 individuals from companies in Qatar for their ongoing support of the University's mission to provide a world-class education.Minister of State for Energy and Industrial Affairs HE Dr. Mohamed Bin Saleh Al-Sada and Dr. Mark H. Weichold, dean and…
ASO and SEC to host Career for Engineers 2010
Published Feb 22, 2010More than 70 companies have been invited for Texas A&M at Qatar's third annual spring recruiting event, Careers for Engineers 2010, on 10 March.Sponsored by the Academic Services Office and the Student Engineers' Council, the goal of this event is for students who are interested in seeking full-time employment or internship opportunities to meet with company representatives.…
Materials science symposium to offer solutions to obstacles faced by industrial sector
Published Feb 21, 2010Experts warned about the need for sustainable and anti-corrosion materials in Qatar and the region on 18 Feb. during a materials science symposium.Texas A&M at Qatar, in collaboration with Qatar University, hosted, "Advances and Applications of Materials Science and Engineering in Qatar." The symposium focused on understanding performance and development of materials…
GCC companies to conduct student interviews
Published Feb 21, 2010Texas A&M at Qatar will host representatives from Schlumberger Qatar, Shell Qatar and other GCC companies beginning 1 March to interview students for internship and employment opportunities.Students can also explore the the option of changing sponsorships. The program is organized by the University's Office of Student and Community Relations. For information contact Sarah…