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Basketball tournament play begins Thursday

Published Feb 18, 2010

The undefeated Aggie men's basketball team will square off in game one of the post-season tournament today.The team will play against the Qatar Academy Falcons at 7:30 p.m. The tournament championship will be played on 20 Feb. at 3:30 p.m. All games will be played at American School of Doha gym. For information contactMichael Collins:

Science program offers lecture on plasmonic crystals

Published Feb 18, 2010

Dr. Slobodan Vukovic, principal research fellow and professor of physics at the Institute of Physics and faculty of physics at University of Belgrade, presented a talk about plasmonic crystals on Thursday.The lecture offered basic principles and major achievements of plasmon guiding and placed special emphasis on planar metal-dielectric superlattices.…

Faculty participate in materials science symposium

Published Feb 18, 2010

Texas A&M at Qatar faculty today participated in the Symposium on Advances and Applications of Materials Science and Engineering in Qatar 2010.The symposium focused on understanding performance and development of materials for unique industrial applications in Qatar. Faculty from Texas A&M at Qatar and Qatar University examined the latest advancements in materials science…

Texas A&M at Qatar hosts course on wireless communication

Published Feb 18, 2010

Texas A&M at Qatar this week hosted a two-day training course on wireless communication of high speed packet access offered by QUALCOMM.The focus of the course was the explanation of key features of high-speed packet access and considerations of future HSPA releases and their limitations. Researchers and engineers from Texas A&M at Qatar, Carnegie Mellon University in…

Astronaut presents Aggie T-shirt he carried to International Space Station

Published Feb 18, 2010

NASA astronaut Capt. Mike Foreman today presented University officials with a Texas A&M at Qatar T-shirt that he took into space on a trip to the International Space Station."My engineering degree prepared me to do the work I do today, and by sharing my experiences with students here, I hope to inspire them to study math, science and engineering and to continue…

More research on reservoir modeling technology still needed, expert says

Published Feb 10, 2010

The growth of the reservoir simulation industry has resulted in essential and rewarding collaborations between industry and academia, said Dr. Khalid Aziz, a leading expert in the field.The Stanford University professor spoke Monday…

SEC hosts high school students for recruitment conference

Published Feb 08, 2010

Texas A&M at Qatar will host more than 40 local students for the first Texas A&M at Qatar Future A&M Engineers conference (FAME) beginning 10 Feb. Sponsored by the Student Engineers’ Council, the two-day conference is designed to raise awareness about engineering and the programs offered at Texas A&M at Qatar. Participating students will have the opportunity to interact with current…

QWE providing for the future of Qatar

Published Feb 08, 2010

A Gulf Times editorial applauded Texas A&M at Qatar last week for its Qatar Sustainable Water and Energy Utilization Initiative (QWE).A 1 Feb ceremony launched the University program, which the Gulf Times called "a significant step forward" for Qatar.…

Aggies women's team set for basketball against Wildcats and Dragons

Published Feb 07, 2010

The Aggie women's basketball team will face off against the Wildcats of Northwestern University in Qatar on 12 Feb.The game is scheduled to begin 5:30 p.m. at Qatar Academy gym. On Saturday, the team will play against the Dragons of American School of Doha. The game is scheduled to begin at 5 pm. in American School of Doha gym. For information contact Melissa Minus:

Aggies men's basketball team squares off against Bears and Qatar Academy

Published Feb 07, 2010

The undefeated Aggie men's basketball team will face the Bears of Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar on 11 Feb.The game is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. at Qatar Academy gym. On 15 Feb. the team will play against Qatar Academy. The game is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. at Qatar Academy gym. For information contact Michael Collins: