Seven Texas A&M at Qatar faculty receive promotions
Published Jul 12, 2009Dr. Mark H. Weichold, dean and CEO of Texas A&M at Qatar, today announced the promotion of seven Texas A&M at Qatar faculty members.
"These promotions recognize the outstanding record of academic achievement of these faculty members," Weichold said in an announcement to the campus community. "I am honored to be sharing this excellent news."
Effective 1 Sept. 2009:
Ahmed Abdel-Wahab is promoted to senior associate professor of chemical engineering.
Hassan S. Bazzi is promoted to senior associate professor of chemistry.
Milivoj Belic is promoted to senior professor of physics.
Tingwen Huang is promoted to senior associate professor of mathematics.
Hazem Nounou is promoted to senior associate professor of electrical and computer engineering.
Mohamed Nounou is promoted to senior associate professor of chemical engineering.
Liticia Salter is promoted to senior lecturer of English.