Texas A&M at Qatar hosts short course on road safety
Published Dec 15, 2009Texas A&M at Qatar, in collaboration with the Qatar Public Works Authority, offered a short course this week for 40 engineers to improve traffic safety in Qatar.
Dr. Nadeem Chaudhary, senior research engineer, and Dr. Geza Pesti, associate research engineer, both of Texas Transportation Institute, lectured on the importance of road designs, traffic lights and signs guiding traffic. "We have come to deliver the best experts and provide this training course and display the latest technology used globally in the areas of traffic safety on the roads, and to address their problems and to cope with growing in the State of Qatar," said Dr. Eyad Masad, assistant dean for research and graduate studies. "The goal of these sessions is to work with jobs on a high degree of training competencies for the design and implementation of projects that take into account international standards in the field of road safety." For information contact Dr. Eyad Masad: eyad.masad@qatar.tamu.edu.