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Research Data Stewardship & Transfer

Any data transferred to HBKU is subject to the appropriate stewardship and oversight as required by TAMU policies, and agreements with other parties. Technology Services procedures (e.g., SAP 15.99.03.M1.03) require the removal of Texas A&M research data and software before the transfer of IT equipment (e.g., desktops, laptops, High-Performance Computing (HPC). Technical data developed at TAMUQ or with the support of the Qatar Foundation (QF) belongs to QF and could be transferred to another member of QF unless prohibited by U.S. federal or Texas state law. The processes described in a memo are to ensure that the data transferred to HBKU adheres to laws, agreements, terms and conditions and data ownership.

Research Data Completion Form



1. Who is required to read the memo?

2. I am not transferring to HBKU, do I still need to follow the process?

3. What is “Research Data”?

4. Don’t all data belong to QF?

5. What if my data is not subject to the Intellectual Property agreement between Texas A&M – Qatar Foundation?

About the Process

6. Who needs to follow the process and prepare the form?

7. How and where do I upload the data?

8. Do I need to upload data from the network shared drives (Home, Projects, or Internal)?

8a. Do I need to upload my research data from other external sources (e.g., cloud services, standalone NAS)?

9. What do I need to do when I am done with the upload?

10. Who is going to verify the data upload is complete?

11. By when should I complete the process?

12. I need more time than the deadlines in #11. What do I do? 

13. What is going to happen if I don’t complete the process?

14. Does this apply only to electronic data?

15. How long will my data be retained?

16. Will I lose access to my data after the transfer?

About the HPC data

17. Do I need to upload my data on the RAAD2 (TAMUQ HPC)?

18. Will I lose access to RAAD2 (HPC) after this process?

19. What if for any reason the HPC data cannot transfer to HBKU or do not want to risk losing access to the system?

Concerning the Acknowledgment Form

20. Do I need to list all rooms in 1.i and ii?

21. Do I need to provide all the past project numbers for question 2b.i?

23. What type of written approval do I need for question 2b.ii?

24. Can you provide a template for question 2b.ii?

25. What type of written approval is required by HBKU for 2b.iii?

26. What if I do not want to wait for a new agreement with the sponsor or the sponsor does not appear willing to transfer the data under HBKU?